Sunday, October 24, 2004
[Catholic] Church Urges Voter Reaction on Same-Sex Marriage
Church Urges Voter Reaction on Same-Sex Marriage
BOSTON, Massachusetts, JUNE 15, 2004 ( The Massachusetts Catholic Conference is sending letters to the state's 710 parishes urging the faithful to ''share their profound disappointment" with lawmakers who did not vote to ban homosexual marriage.
The mailings, issued by the lobbyist for the state's Catholic bishops, also prodded Catholics to offer their ''highest praise" for lawmakers who opposed homosexual marriage during this spring's Constitutional Convention, the Boston Globe reported today.
The letters made no reference to Election Day, Nov. 2, when all 200 seats in the state House and Senate are up for grabs. The mailings did not endorse particular lawmakers.
BOSTON, Massachusetts, JUNE 15, 2004 ( The Massachusetts Catholic Conference is sending letters to the state's 710 parishes urging the faithful to ''share their profound disappointment" with lawmakers who did not vote to ban homosexual marriage.
The mailings, issued by the lobbyist for the state's Catholic bishops, also prodded Catholics to offer their ''highest praise" for lawmakers who opposed homosexual marriage during this spring's Constitutional Convention, the Boston Globe reported today.
The letters made no reference to Election Day, Nov. 2, when all 200 seats in the state House and Senate are up for grabs. The mailings did not endorse particular lawmakers.