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Sunday, October 24, 2004


Fw: [catholicACT] a protestant point of homosexual

----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew Tan Yew Hock
To: catholicact@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: [catholicACT] a protestant point of homosexual

I believe many people are uneducated/uninformed about homosexuality issue.  I am one of them, until only recently. 
Perhaps an interview transcript of a psychiatrist intensely involved in such issues may be helpful.
The psychiatrist Spitzer is a serious researcher.  He was instrumental for leading the American Psychiatrist Association to drop homosexuality from the list of mental illness to be treated. He interviewed about 200 homosexuals who have "substantially" -  but not "completely" - changed their sexual orientations.  "Complete" change is unusual even for those who have had "substantial" change.  I hope this article will be of help to your protestant friend, and for those who are unsympathetic to homosexuals.
Note that a homosexual can be "heterosexually" married.  (The Anglican gay bishop was "heterosexually" married before.) However, when the husband wish to engage in sex with his wife, HE CAN BE SEXUALLY AROUSED NOT BY HIS WIFE but by fantasizing with somebody of the same sex.  You can read about this in
Spitzer's article here.  (I think it is important to read carefully what he wrote, and be careful not to claim what he didn't claim.)
The American Psychiatrist Association (APA) position statements are found here:
Please note that this is a christian web site which advocates change of sexual orientation for those homosexuals who desire such change.  Also note the web address uses the term "christianmentalhealth".
More articles here: http://www.christianmentalhealth.com/homosexuality.htm
----- Original Message -----
From: tan gerard
To: catholicact@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 11:35 PM
Subject: [catholicACT] a protestant point of homosexual

Dear all,
I know this topic has been discussed for quite a long while but please bear with me a little. It's just a short encounter with a protestant- to share with you.
Recenty, I've met a protestant during my course of work. During some small talk, he began to talk about the the consecration of openly gay Bishop V. Gene Robinson. In his church's opinion, this homosexual beings are all supposed and definitely going to be punished by the law of the Lord. The reasons being they have defied against God's will of natural law whether they are involved in sexual acts or not, and that God will never create homosexuals. If these people are not punished on earth, they will definitely going to be punished spiritually by God.
I've tried to tell him that if these people tried to engage in undesirable sexual acts, they are indeed committing a sin. If given a chance would anyone want to be a gay/leabian? They may have their problems or maybe living in misery. There maybe many factors that constitued these people to behave in this way. They may need our love and care. If these people are practising the correct christian virtues and are not involved in sexual activity, God may not definitely going to punish them. We should give them a peace of mind for they may not be harmful people. Who knows they may be contributing plenty to the society? We shouldn't condem them....
but regardless of my explanation, he still stands firm in his point that they must be punished.
I'm quite flabbergasted with his teachings for he insisted that homosexuals must be punished. He attends the 'church' at the Rock, Suntec City.
God bless
Gerard Tan

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