Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Fw: [catholicACT] Re: Da Vinci's Code
Josh McDowell, Author of Evidence that Demands a Verdict:
I can recreate all but eleven verses of the entire New Testament within 300 years of Jesus Christ. Through the 89,000 quotations by the early Church fathers when they would write letters to the churches, they would often quote two or three chapters of the New Testament. And with taking their works, you can recreate all but eleven verses of the entire New Testament. TOP
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,
Tan Yew Hock (Matthew)
----- Original Message -----From: Matthew Tan Yew HockSent: Monday, August 23, 2004 12:22 AMSubject: Re: [catholicACT] Re: Da Vinci's CodeI have not read Da Vinci's Code, and don't intend to. Just to highlight some points raised in the catholiceducation article.Yet it's Brown's [author of Da Vinci's Code] Christology that's false — and blindingly so. He requires the present New Testament to be a post-Constantinian fabrication that displaced true accounts now represented only by surviving Gnostic texts. He claims that Christ wasn't considered divine until the Council of Nicea voted him so in 325 at the behest of the emperor. Then Constantine — a lifelong sun worshipper — ordered all older scriptural texts destroyed, which is why no complete set of Gospels predates the fourth century. Christians somehow failed to notice the sudden and drastic change in their doctrine.Actually a lot of ancient so-called "gospel" books survive to this day. So, the charge made by all sorts of anti-Catholics (esp. atheists and agnostics) that the Church destroyed "scriptural texts" to promote false Christianity is pure nonsense. This kind of allegation is also made by some Protestants.Another serious charge is that the Church "corrupted" scriptures.How sure can Christians be that the New Testament is true? Think about this statement:F. Christian scholars who meticulously and diligently studied the writings of the fathers of the early church beginning of the first century said if all manuscripts of the new testament were lost, it is possible to construct the New Testament again from the church fathers’ quotations with the exception of 17 verses.
And there are so many quotations from the writings of the Early Church Fathers that pre-date Constantine. And these writings in the 2nd and 3rd centuries proved that Christians had always believed that Jesus is Lord, God and Saviour.Interested readers may want to refer to the book by Josh McDowell, Evidence That Demands A Verdict - a Protestant apologetic work.And the outline given in the link,