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Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Fw: [catholicACT] Re: HIV can go thru the condom?

----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew Tan Yew Hock
To: catholicact@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 3:38 AM
Subject: Re: [catholicACT] Re: HIV can go thru the condom?

Yes, there have been scientific tests on permeability/impermeability of condoms, with respect to penetration of sperm cells, bacteria and viruses.  And there are different kinds and brands of condoms, of differing qualities.  
Condoms are impermeable?  supposedly yes, with qualification. 
Condoms have "holes"?  Absolutely, the "holes" are much larger than the HIV viruses.  Can the viruses go through?  It is a matter of probability, of course.  So, our Cardinals and priests and nuns are not lying.  They may not be using precise technical terminology and the language of science and probability mathematics - that's all.  And of course you don't expect them - when they speak to common people (especially the illiterate and lowly educated all over the HIV-infected world).
The (US) FDA tests the condoms by lot.  If 4 out of 1000 condoms fail the "pinhole test", the entire lot is destroyed.  But only about 7% of condom lots are tested. So, the issue is ultimately an issue of probability - as in all sciences. 
Answer:  As Andy and Andrew said, a person risks HIV infection to the order of 1 (plus plus plus) out of 10 chances if you engage in sex with HIV-infected partner, using condom as your protective "net".   1 out of 10, or 1 out of 100, or 4 out of 1000, and take a chance ???
The approach of the Catholic Church:  Flee from HIV viruses.
The approach of secular organisation such as WHO:  Make love with HIV viruses, but cover yourself, because the condom reduces the risk of infection is "significantly reduced".  No condom, risk is maybe 100%...maybe 50%.   With condom, risk is 10%.   So the risk is "significantly reduced."   Take a chance ???
Read the following article for more information.


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