Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Fwd: Re: [catholicACT] Re: ACT talks
--- In catholicact@yahoogroups.com, Andrew Kong <andrewk@...> wrote:
Yes as a priestly people, we do offer up our sufferings as sacrifices
in union with the scarifice of the cross, ie at mass we participate
most fully when we do that, uniting ourselves in Christ on the cross,
to the Father in the Holy Spirit.
On 03-Jul-06, at PM 01:32, micheline_fong wrote:
> The wikipedia article more or less answers my question. Thanks a lot.
> I thought that a priest by definition offers sacrifice. But in this
> case "priestly people" doesn't mean we offer up our own suffering
> etc as sacrifices to God, rather it means participation in the
> Eucharist?
> Micheline