Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Fw: [catholicACT] Persecutor Pliny (c. AD 111) Testifies that Christians Worship Jesus as God
----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew Tan Yew Hock
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: [catholicACT] Persecutor Pliny (c. AD 111) Testifies that Christians Worship Jesus as God
Doubting your New Testament, or Church teaching, that Jesus is God?
Here is a testimony from Pliny the Younger (c. AD 111), a persecutor of Christians.
(There a lot more historical (and archaelogical) information that will build up your faith about Jesus and the New Testament in this Protestant web site.)
(Anyone has information about good Catholic apologetic work of this kind?)
Show this web site to those Da Vinci's Code devotees, and anyone who tells you that the Church, or Constantine the Roman Emperor, corrupted the New Testament to portray Jesus as God.
Questions & Answers from the Scholars
Dr. Edwin Yamauchi, Professor of Ancient History, Miami University (Ohio):
Now, there's a third reference in the writings of Pliny the Younger, who was a governor of the area of Bithinya, which is in northwestern Turkey. And he became governor of that province about the year 111. In a celebrated letter which he wrote to his friend, the Emperor Trajan, he speaks about Christians multiplying in his province, and he's arrested some of them. He tortured some women, who are called, in the Latin, ministri, that is “deaconesses.” And it was customary to torture slaves in order to obtain witness from them, on the assumption that otherwise they wouldn't tell the truth. And they confess that they met before dawn to swear to keep the Ten Commandments and that they worshipped Jesus as God. And they sang hymns to Him. So this is a very important testimony. It speaks about the rapid multiplication of Christians, not only in the countryside and in the town. All classes were being infected by what Romans regarded as a superstition.
[Caution: this web site contains quotations mainly from Protestant scholars, including the very liberal group called Jesus Seminar. A few quotations are from Catholic scholars, and some Jews].